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MyPlate Presentation Slides
The following presentation provides an overview of MyPlate messages and resources. It is available for your download and use.

Stories from the Field
We love seeing health and nutrition professionals using MyPlate to improve their communities. Every day, community and nutrition educators use MyPlate to bring healthy eating resources to the communities they serve.

Photo Gallery
Browse our collection of food photography and download the images for use in your promotional, informational and educational efforts. Recipes may be available for some images.

Looking for a toolkit to meet your needs? These toolkits serve as targeted roadmaps to key assets for dietitians, food retailers, public health professionals, educators, and communicators.

Partner with Us
Let’s join together in helping promote MyPlate and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Our partner programs include National Strategic Partners and Federal Partners.

Dietary Guidelines Resources
USDA and HHS develop resources for professionals to help promote healthy eating across the lifespan from birth to older adulthood. Learn more about the Dietary Guidelines and get tips and resources to share with others.