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Healthy Eating for Kids

Healthy Eating for Kids

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Healthy eating is important at every age. Offer kids a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, protein foods, and dairy or fortified soy alternatives. When deciding on foods and beverages, choose options that are full of nutrients and limited in added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium. Start with these tips:

Offer variety

Include choices from each food group – fruits, vegetables, grains, protein foods, and dairy and fortified soy alternatives – in meals and snacks during each day.

Connect at mealtime

Eat meals together whenever possible. Turn off the TV and put away phones and tablets so you can “unplug” and focus on healthy foods and each other.

Make good nutrition easy

Designate a shelf or a drawer in your fridge for your kids. Stock it with cut up fruits and vegetables, yogurt, nut butters, and whole-wheat mini bagels and crackers.

Think about their drinks

Make water and low-fat or fat-free dairy milk and fortified soy alternatives easy options to grab in your home. Have ready-to-go containers filled and in the fridge to take on outings.

Get kids involved

Depending on their age, kids can peel fruits, assemble salads, measure, scoop, and slice. Let them create and name their own side dish.

Have a shopping buddy

Let kids participate in grocery shopping online or in the store. Reward them by letting them choose their favorite fruit or maybe a new one.

The benefits of healthy eating add up over time, bite by bite.

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MyPlate.gov is based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025